Long product name Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels
The long product name of Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.
Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels:
The official description of Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.
TomTom Navigator is a very flexible navigation system for the PocketLOOX 600. In combination with the GPS-receiver TomTom Navigator determines the exact position and gives verbal instructions and on-screen directions to reach the destination. The destination only needs to be entered once and TomTom Navigator does all the work.
Short summary description Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels:
This short summary of the Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER, 12 channels, 48 s, 38 s
Long summary description Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER GPS receiver module 12 channels based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Fujitsu NAVIGATION KIT GER. Channels quantity: 12 channels, Acquisition times - cold: 48 s, Acquisition times - warm: 38 s