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HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array

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StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache
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Warranty: standard statement: Three-year Limitedfor MSA1000, Fibre Channel Cables and SFP Transceivers; 3 years parts exchange ; 1 year labor; 1 year on-site; Next business day response
HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array:
The official description of HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.

The HP StorageWorks 1000 Modular Smart Array (MSA1000) is a 2 Gb Fibre Channel storage system for the entry-level to midrange storage area network (SAN). It provides the customer with a low-cost, scalable, high performance storage consolidation system with investment protection. It is designed to reduce the complexity and risk of SAN deployments. The powerful but easy to use management software makes it ideal for departmental and remote location SANs. The ability to easily move most data, disks and enclosures currently directly attached to Smart Array controllers (DAS) to a shared storage environment (SAN) will save the user money and time. With the addition of two more drive enclosures, it can control up to 42 enterprise-class U320 SCSI drives allowing capacity of 12 TB. All configuration, management and partitioning and licensing software come standard with no extra charges.


Short summary description HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array:
This short summary of the HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.

HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache

Long summary description HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array:
This is an auto-generated long summary of HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache disk array based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.

HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 256 MB Cache

Brand Image Product code Product Stock Price from
HP StorageWorks MSA1000 for Small Business SAN Kit disk array HP StorageWorks MSA1000 for Small Business SAN Kit disk array
(show image)
A7450A#*SATEC StorageWorks MSA1000 for Small Business SAN Kit 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP StorageWorks MSA30 SB Enclosure disk array HP StorageWorks MSA30 SB Enclosure disk array
(show image)
302969-B21#30972781 StorageWorks MSA30 SB Enclosure 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit disk array HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit disk array
(show image)
353803-B22#*BDL1 StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit disk array HP StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit disk array
(show image)
353803-B22#*BDL2 StorageWorks MSA 1000 SAN Starter Kit 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP StorageWorks FC1243 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 Dual Channel HBA disk array HP StorageWorks FC1243 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 Dual Channel HBA disk array
(show image)
AE369A StorageWorks FC1243 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 Dual Channel HBA 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP FC1242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array HP FC1242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array
(show image)
AE312A FC1242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP FC1142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array HP FC1142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array
(show image)
AE311A FC1142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP StorageWorks FC1143 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 HBA disk array HP StorageWorks FC1143 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 HBA disk array
(show image)
AB429A StorageWorks FC1143 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 HBA 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP FC2242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array HP FC2242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array
(show image)
A8003A FC2242SR 4Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)
HP FC2142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array HP FC2142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter disk array
(show image)
A8002A FC2142SR 4Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter 0.00
(excl. VAT)
0 (incl. VAT)